Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-6-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 6, 2020

        As you may have seen in today’s Observer Dispatch, a federal court judge has overruled NYS Board of Elections’ decision to cancel the NY Presidential Primary set for June 23. However, New York can still appeal the decision so it has not yet been set in stone. With that being said, local election primaries were still being held anyway so voting was going to occur either way. Whatever it comes to be, keep in mind that all New Yorkers are able to vote absentee! Please contact our local Board of Elections (315) 798-5765 if you have any questions on how to register.

        In addition, I would like to clarify that the “Phase 1 Reopening” of our area on May 15th only includes construction and manufacturing trades. Then, we must wait to see two-weeks’ worth of results prior to moving onto Phase 2 (professional services, lawyers offices, etc.).

        I would like to share a COVID-19 and faith-based poem that was brought to us by Florence Bourdon (Flo):

Wash your hands,

And say a prayer,

Because germs and Jesus

Are everywhere!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO