Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-5-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 5, 2020

        Unfortunately, as you may have heard from County Executive Picente, Green Empire Farms in Madison County has identified 51 new cases yesterday and 2 more today who are all seasonal employees. Although the farm is in Madison County, their staff members temporarily live in an Oneida County hotel which counts toward our total. However, Picente stated that he does not think this will affect Mohawk Valley’s opening strategy as a majority of the qualifications are based on hospitalizations.

        As more testing is being done, this means that more cases will be identified. Therefore, we should not be surprised when the total number of positive cases increase as we move forward.

        I would like to stress the fact that we are following New York State guidelines regarding the reopening of all business services. In addition, as other states begin to reopen their economies, that does not mean that we are in the same boat! We have to keep track of what is going on in our local community and that will drive what we are able to do. I know all of us like to concentrate on federal & state numbers – however, what is going on in Oneida County and the Mohawk Valley will determine how we move forward.

        The best way we can get toward that goal is to not only keep up what we are doing, but also tell our family and friends to do the same!

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO