Message from Chaplain Happy Mother's Day 5-10-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                                        May 10, 2020

          I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s living at Sunset Wood and all of your Moms who have us the gift of YOU! I hope you enjoyed the complimentary lunch and the special dinner tonight. I will let Pastor Elizabeth speak for today, but know that each and every one of you are on my mind today.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO




Morning is God’s way of saying, ”One more time, go make a difference, touch a heart, encourage a mind, inspire a soul, and enjoy the day.”

Shared by Tricia Kennison

The scripture lesson from the lectionary this week is interesting for Mother’s Day, but very helpful and something parents have probably said to their children, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in Me (Jesus).” John 14:1 Maybe these exact words were not said, but something very similar. What words of comfort are needed more than these for such a time as this? “Don’t let your hearts be troubled.” I can only imagine that this time is very stressful as well as grace-filled for families. Families that have school-aged children who are trying to attend school via computer. Parents who are trying to help their children navigate through their homework in this new way and coming up with new and innovative ways to keep them occupied, meanwhile trying to work from home, and creating 3 square meals a day, a huge task to say the least! So, parents, hats off to you!! Maybe this day for this time should be renamed “Parents Day”.

As I continued to read through John 14, I found peace, joy, rest, rejuvenation, and restoration. Throughout the many phone calls that have been made over the past several weeks, a reoccurring theme has presented itself and that is one of HOPE. In John 14: 2-3 it states, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.” I do not know about anyone else, but the thought that our Father who is in heaven is currently creating not just a house, but an eternal home for us all is extraordinary to say the least! It has been said that “home” is where the heart is. For me, home was wherever my parents were living for that was where my heart always was. Jesus states that He will come and bring us to Himself. So literally, our “home” is in and with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What a beautiful picture and wonderful thought. Comfort, security, and love are fully known in those words.  

Ok, I realize that your “refuge/home” has been invaded, moms. It has been overrun with your wonderfully zany family for several weeks and you can’t escape. Help! This time with your family is time that can never be replaced. So, enjoy this journey. I know that mothers/fathers, grandmothers/fathers, great-grandmothers/grandfathers have had more opportunity to spend time in a different way with their families. Maybe you’ve learned new technology. For some that may be a tricky word, but you have made your home a little roomier for it. Some families have had recent additions. Welcome home little ones! Be patient in your anticipation to hold the new babies. When you finally get that opportunity embrace that time and feel the comfort. That’s home😊

I realize that this Sunday is about mothers. All I can say is, “Mothers, you rock!” Thank you for all you have done and are doing during this time of sheer craziness. You are the encouragement, the care, the stabilizing force even though you may have wanted to pull your hair out at times. You are a beautiful part of that word, home. That soft cuddly part that lets your children know that everything may be a little different, but it will be ok. You help them to see that their dreams can still be realized even though the world needs a minute to recover in order for their dreams to continue. You show them through your actions that it is ok to act a little crazy because we are not in this alone. You allow them to see that they do not need to stay in that crazy place, but can come back to “home” and know that in our Father’s house we are in the safest, strongest place that we could be for now and for always. Thank you😊


Pastor Elizabeth