Sunset Wood Phase 2 Infographic

Phase 2 Reopening Infographic June 1st, 2020.png

*Exercise & Card games are permitted under the Executive Order of non-essential gatherings of 10 or less people. Proper sanitation & disinfecting standards will be in effect. All tenants must wear masks and programs are for internal tenants ONLY.

Dear Tenants,                                                                         June 1, 2020


          Each one of our tenants received our Phase 2 “reopening” infographic. As you can see, the following services will be affected:

-         Front Office & Housekeeping personnel will return to normal operating hours (Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm)

o   Our Front Office & Housekeeping staff stepped up BIG throughout this closure. However, it is time they return to their normal schedules and we are only starting this as we believe it is safe to do so.

-         Small group Wellness Programming / Activities will begin

o   As a team, we believe that participating in physical and social wellness programs could be lifesaving. Therefore, we will be moving toward a controlled process so you are all able to enjoy exercise classes & card games – while socially distancing

-         The salon will open once renovations have been complete and our stylist, Kim, has a plan in-place to operate within NYS guidelines

-         All participants in these programs must abide by social distancing guidelines (mask wearing, 6 feet apart, etc.).

o   If it is found that you refuse or are unable to do so, these programs will come to a swift and abrupt end

I would like to inform all of you that as of today, my daily briefings will discontinue. With services beginning to open I will allocate my time toward those operations. However, I will still write to all of you when needed and it has been wonderful receiving all of the positive feedback regarding these messages. Our staff loves what we do, and are proud to implement The Community at Sunset Wood’s mission of enabling seniors to live independently in a secure community that enhances the quality of life.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo, Executive Director / CEO