Being that our seniors are one of the most vulnerable populations affected by the COVID-19 virus, most are staying indoors - which is good. However, sitting in front of the television, laying in bed, and developing a sedentary lifestyle can harm them after we get through this trying time. It is more important than ever to stay physically active so we are able to remain independent when we get back to "normal." This is why The Community at Sunset Wood is offering at home workouts for their tenants in order to keep them happy & healthy.

​If you are looking for something basic that your elderly loved one can do at home, take a look at the information below. It is recommended for safety that all exercises be done with arms on chairs.


  • Hold the sides of the chair

  • Begin a marching action by raising your left foot and placing it down, then raise your right foot and place it down

  • Find a rhythm that is comfortable and try to go for at least one (1) minute


  • With your feet flat on the floor

  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and swing your arms from your sides to your shoulders (or as high as possible)

  • This should mimic how your arms move when walking

  • Find a rhythm that is comfortable and try to go for at least one (1) minute


  • Reach behind you with both arms trying to hold the back of the chair if you can

  • Lean your chest forward and upward

  • You should feel a stretch across your chest

  • Try to hold for 10 seconds

  • Repeat 2 times


  • Hold the sides of the chair

  • Keeping right hand in place, raise left hand and reach toward ceiling

  • Hold for 10 seconds

  • Slowly lean to right side slightly and hold for 10 seconds

  • Return to center and lower your left arm

  • Repeat up to 2 times on each side


  • Place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you on the back or side of the chair

  • Keeping your back upright, slowly turn your upper body and head towards your right arm

  • Hold for up to 10 seconds and slowly turn back to starting position

  • Repeat up to 3 times on each side


  • Slide forward on the chair and straighten your right lef out in front with your heel to the floor and your toes pointing to the ceiling

  • Place both hands on your left thigh for balance

  • Slowly lean forwards while keeping your back straight and chest out

  • Stop when you feel a comfortable stretch in the back of your right leg

  • Hold for up to 20 seconds and then repeat on the right leg

*All exercises and descriptions were provided by “Easy Exercises: A Chair Based Program For Older Adults” by Health Promotion Service in Dublin, Ireland